Saturday, January 19, 2019

How Nominations work

One thing I have noticed as I travel around my town is many people like to fly the flag, but they have not taken care of them properly. The harsh winds, dry air, and extreme heat can ruin a flag much faster than normal, pleasant conditions. A flag should not be flown in tatters, with holes, or faded colors. Sometimes a rip or small tear can be repaired, but if it is not caught early enough it can spread and become irreparable. These flags should be retired. Unfortunately, many people do not have the money to replace them, and they do not know how to properly retire a flag. No one should be denied the opportunity to show how much they love our country. If you know of someone who cannot afford a new flag, but needs one, or someone who has given service to our country in any capacity, nominate them to receive a new flag. The VFW has donated funds to help purchase new flags, and other individuals have also helped. My goal is to give out 25 new flags for people to fly, but I need your nominations to get there. In the nomination area on the right, please leave your name and email address, age include who you are nominating, contact information for them, and why you think they should receive a new flag. Thank you for your help!

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